Proposals for Changes to Constitution and Rules Reminder Notice

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Proposals for Changes to Constitution and Rules Reminder Notice

13 September, 2016

September 2016

In preparation for the 2017 AGM of the Association, this is a reminder of the opportunity to submit proposals for consideration by the Board, and if necessary the AGM.

The AGM will take place on 4 January 2017 so the three months deadline for clubs to submit motions to amend the Archery NZ constitution and/or rules is 4 October 2016.

Due to the fact that changes proposed for the Constitution and Administration Rules at the AGM this year have only just been finalised via the recent Ballot process, an updated copy of the Constitution and Administration Rules as at September 2016 have been placed on the Archery NZ website.

The proposals to amend the Constitution must identify the section to be amended, the changes proposed and brief explanation of why it should be changed. The name of the club proposing the amendment must also be included.

To change one or more of the Rules (administrative, shooting, tournament) the Rule must be identified, the amendment proposed and the brief rationale for the change.

These amendments must be in the hands of the National Secretary as soon as possible and not later than Tuesday 4 October 2016. They may be sent via email to [email protected] or hard copy (9A Sanctuary Lane, RD3, Hamilton 3283).

All Constitution and Rules material will be circulated at least six weeks before the AGM.

Details of the AGM and process can be found in the Administrative Rules.