Summer Teams Postal League 2016-17 - ENTRIES CLOSING SOON

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Summer Teams Postal League 2016-17 - ENTRIES CLOSING SOON

13 September, 2016


Please note that entries for the 2016-17 Summer Postal League close 18 SEPTEMBER.

Each Club can enter up to 3 Teams of 3 people, Your teams for each month are determined by your ANZ members that shoot, with the top 3 scorers making up your top team, your next the second, etc.

The format for the Shoot is a Canadian 900, with 30 arrows shot at 55mtr, 30 at 45mtr and 30 at 35mtr. It is shot over 5 rounds starting in October, then November, then you have December/January to shoot round three, with February and March to finish it off. Each month you Shot against another team as per the Draw that is put out but you shoot at your club (or if your want to at another club) All your teams need to shoot at the same time. But you can shoot it more than once in a month and enter your results from the best Shoot, but must be all from the same shoot.

There is further information on the ANZ website at this address   or if you have any questions e-mail me  or phone 021 677 527.

I am also looking to get feedback on ways people think this league can be improved that I can take to the AGM at Nationals in January, so if you have any ideas please let me know. One suggestion is that we could have a “Short” Canadian for intermediate age group shooters and below, (The “Short” Canadian has shorter distances)

Kerry Hoole
Postal League Co-ordinator