Trans-Tasman News!

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Trans-Tasman News!

Trans-Tasman News!

14 July, 2017

Selection Policy

The Selection Policy and Criteria for the 2018 Trans-Tasman Test is now available for all Juniors wishing to participate in this illustrious event. It will be hosted in Morwell, Victoria, Australia from 19th to 23rd of April 2018.

Selection Policy downloadable here.

Please bear in mind if you are going to be shooting this tournament that you will need to be shooting in the division (over the coming months) that you will be representing in 2018.

We will also need a Team Coach and Manager for this event (2 roles).



We are looking for designs for a NZ Team shirt to be worn in at the 2018 Tans Tasman in Australia.

The shirts will still have the Archery NZ logo on the font chest and the Name and New Zealand put on the back but for the rest of it we want something that reflects the sport, New Zealand and the event. So put your thinking caps on, get creative and either send us a drawing on the template provided or write out your idea description.

You can use this link to download a T'shirt template:

Competition is open to all Archery NZ Members and entries need to be received via email to [email protected] before 1st November 2017. Include your name, membership number and contact details.

The entries will be judged by a panel of 3 headed up by Mark Collins (shirt designer extraordinaire) 
There will be a prize for the Winner (announcement pending)

Photo thanks to Victoria Wassilieff