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School Shoot Programme

Intermediate and Secondary School Shoot Programme

The School Shoot Programme can be completed during a normal school sports training session, or if no archery facility is available at school, this may also be shot at your local club. The programme is part of the overall Youth Programme which provides the opportunity for all Youth throughout NZ to compete every month. The designated can be shot as often as desired before the cut off date, and each archer’s highest score is submitted to Archery NZ by the school archery coordinator or club.

As well as individual scores, archers are also placed into teams per school. For example, the top 4 scoring recurve archers and the top 2 compound archers from each division for School A will be that school’s “A” Team. Teams also compete against other schools! Years 7 and 8 compete in the “intermediate league” and all other years compete against each other in the “secondary schools league”.

If your archers belong to a club, they do not need to pay a fee for the School Programme. However, if they only shoot through the school, the usual fee for the School Programme is $10 per archer. Please send through a list of the names of your archers competing, and we will invoice your school (or club) for the total amount. We can check if your archers belong to a club (and we will not invoice if they already do).

If your students are interested in other types of shoots, we also offer a Youth Postal Program once a month – usually shot at archery clubs – which we welcome your students to join into. They will have to be Members of Archery NZ to participate in the score ladder, however, the rounds are available to be shot by anyone.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask as we are happy to get you shooting again.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your students compete!

Youth Postal Shoot Coordinator

2025 dates

Shooting Starts:
Shooting Ends
1 1 February 30 April
2 1 May 30 June
3 1 July 31 August
4 1 September 31 October

School Shoot rules

  1. Four postal shoots shall be run per year, one in each term.
  2. Students of any New Zealand school may compete, in the divisions of intermediate (years 7-8) and secondary (years 9-13)
  3. The round may be shot as many times as desired during the allotted time frame. The highest score per archer shall be submitted by the school archery coordinator by the indicated date, using the results template which will be supplied.
  4. There are five bow divisions: Barebow/Longbow, Limited Recurve, Limited Compound, Competition Recurve and Competition Compound.
    1. Barebow consists of Recurve bows with no tape or pin sights, no clickers, competition sights or stabilisers.
    2. Longbow consists of wooden longbow or flatbow bows with no tape or pin sights, no clickers, competition sights, pressure buttons or stabilisers. Non-wooden arrows may be used.
    3. Limited Recurve consists of Recurve bows of <25lb, simple tape and pin sights, no clickers, competition sights or stabilisers.
    4. Limited Compound consists of Compound bows of <30lb, simple tape and pin sights, no competition sights or stabilisers. Genesis bows are included in this category.
    5. Competition Recurve and Compound equipment shall be as per World Archery rules.
  5. Archers may compete individually in any division.
  6. The top four scoring Recurve archers from each school in each division shall comprise the school’s A Team for that term. The next four shall comprise the B Team, and the next four shall comprise the C team. There is no limit on the number of entries of teams.
  7. The top two scoring Compound archers from each school in each division shall comprise the school’s A Team for that term for Compound teams. The next two shall comprise the B team, and the next two the C team. There is no limit on the number of entries of teams.
  8. Scoring must be undertaken on official scoresheets.
  9. All scoresheets must be fully completed and signed before scores are submitted to their coordinator.
  10. In the event of ties, the archer with the most combined 10s and Xs is the winner. If still a tie, the archer with the most Xs is the winner. If both have the same number of Xs, the result shall be a tie.
  11. In order to count, the postal shoot must be officiated over by a teacher-in-charge, or senior archery club member.

Round rules:

The shoot consists of 36 arrows at 15m. This can be shot with 6 arrows per end, with one sighting end, or 3 arrows per end, with two sighting ends. All archers must use 10-zone scoring. There is no time limit (i.e. if you can only fit in 18 arrows during your school archery session, you may shoot this, and come back and finish the other 18 arrows another time, providing the SAME scorecards are used and signed). Other than the rules stated on this page, World Archery rules shall apply.


Bow Type
Barebow and Longbow 80cm
Limited Recurve 80cm
Limited Compound 60cm
Competition Recurve 60cm
Competition Compound 40cm

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